Shipping for within the United States is provided by USPS.
Orders will be shipped to the SHIP TO address that is in your PayPal account. If it is not current, please update that information.
It’s All About The Cards is not responsible for packages that are not received in a timely manner.
The same processing, printing, packing time (1-3 days) applies to all orders regardless if you chose priority or express mail.
Orders will not be shipped until paid in full.
PRIORITY MAIL RATES – 2-3 days estimated delivery time after processing, print and packing:
10 – 60 cards = $8.00
61 – 150 cards = $15.00
151 – 200 cards = $20.00
EXPRESS MAIL RATES – OVERNIGHT to MOST US cities – 1-2 days estimated delivery time after processing, print and packing:
10-60 cards = $30.00
61-150 cards = $60.00
Over 150 cards -we will check rates